Meandering through digital and analogue worlds, Sjoerd Martens and Upsammy's work forms an introspective on expansive territories, with a shared fondness for the subtle beauty of the seemingly trivial. Each moment in the Metroscope series brings together fleeting moments in picturesque yet photorealistic compositions that question the setting and mediums of infinite landscapes.
Each landscape in this series is characterised by past human presence, present desolation, and future uncertainty. Inspired by the inexhaustible possibilities of dissecting and recomposing our environment through a myriad of senses, the works explore how patterns in light, shapes, textures and movements around us form a background for our experiences as a person.
Creating kaleidoscopic landscapes built from micro textures and audio field recordings, the series fluidly blends indoor and outdoor environments, presenting a transcendental collaboration that is equally deeply rooted in the earth.