The Frisian born and raised Tjade launched his DJ career as a student in Groningen playing every venue the city had to offer and earning a reputation for lighting dance floors on fire. In 2019, he shot to international fame with his first release, Koi Jayne, a rework of a 90s Bollywood classic which was picked up by the likes of Palms Trax, Job Jobse, Hunee, Skatebard and Esa. Now based in Utrecht, Tjade has since released new EPs, edits, and remixes offering a recognizable sound lying somewhere between trance, electro and (neo)italo.
As a DJ and creator, Lucky Done Gone launched his own platform Modus in 2022 to connect people and show his diverse musical taste in multiple ways, extending far beyond just house and techno. Those who have seen Lucky Done Gone play know it’s not just his sets that are contagious, but it’s his friendly artist vibe, too. His eyes are always fixed on the crowd in front of him, making sure everybody is enjoying the music as much as he is. His sets are a mixture of eternal styles: dreamy house, 90s techno, left field sounds and trance influences that dance between subdued vibes to the more emotional side of things.