Jersey is an energetic French electronic duo consisting of brothers Carl and Renaud. The two were born and raised on the French island of Jersey and started making music in the basement of their parental home. After high school, they left Normandy for Paris, where they were exposed to all kinds of electronic music in the city's underground club scene. The duo creates a mix of French house, UK garage and drum 'n' bass, inspired by both French touch and indie rock, genres they picked up on BBC Radio during their youth.
After making a name for themselves on social media, the duo released their first single 'Blizzard' in 2021, followed by a series of successful singles and their first EP 'The World I'm Searching For' in 2023. They have now achieved success with their live performances , which often take place In The Round (in the middle of the hall, surrounded by an audience), has built a strong reputation.